Welcome to Class 2

Year 2
Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Theme Self Society Self Stewardship Society Stewardship
Enquiry Question “How are we different and why is that so important?” What does our local area say about how we live? How do the arts help us feel big emotions? How do people survive in the harshest environments? Which systems keep society running smoothly? Why should we live in harmony with each other and the Earth?
Theological Underpinning Acts 10:34-35 Then Peter began to speak: I now realise how true it is that God does not show favouritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right. Isaiah 32:18 My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undistrubed places of rest. Colossians 3:15 When emotions overwhelm you, and you simply don't know what to do next, pray for God's perfect tranquility. Dan Harding we need to finish this row...
NC subject drivers PSHE History RE Geography RE Expressive Arts RE Geography Science RE History RE PSHE RE Geography
Character Virtues Community, Respect, Compassion and Empathy and Curiosity Justice and Courage Honesty, Joy, Creativity, Communication, Confidence Generosity, Service, Creativity, Practicality and Problem Solving. Gratitude, Motivation and Aspiration Wisdom, Practicality, Problem solving and Communication
Link to Global Goals 5 and 10 11, 16 and 17 3 9, 13, 14 and 15 4, 8, 11 and 16 1, 2, 6, 7 and 12
British Values/Protected Characteristics Disability, sex, race. Respect & Tolerance. Individual Liberty. Rule of Law Respect & Tolerance Individual Liberty Repect & Tolerance, Rule of Law, Democracy, Individual Liberty Individual Liberty
Enrichment Max Woosey TED Talk Trip to Bideford Trip to the Burton Expedition in the Wilderness Trip to Westward Ho! Beach clean.
Stunning Start Treasure bags' bring in a bag of things that represents you. Walk around Abbotsham village. Create a large piece of art as a class- painting on canvases. Treasure hunt' (orienteering/team building) in the Wilderness. Beach clean
Inspiring Changemaker Challenge Inspiring Speaker- TED talk Inspiring Researcher- Research Bideford. Inspiring Skill Builder- Art and dance Exhibition for parents. Inspiring Adventurer- Plan an expedition in the Wilderness. Inspiring Volunteer- Set up a 'system in school and present it to SLT or in CW. Inspiring Leader Art exhibition for parents.
Key Texts Hair Love- Mathew A. Cherry. Beegu Stickman- Julia Donaldon Ravi's Roar. Fergal is fuming. How to hide a lion. It's a no money day. Tidy. Alba the hundred year old fish.The Brilliant Deep
Decision Spelling Meta language with CEW. Long A phoneme. Long E phoneme. Homophones. Personal spelling lists. Long I phoneme. Long O phoneme. Long U phoneme. Initial /n/ and /r/ phonemens (silent k and w). Review. Meta language with CEW. /j/ phoneme. OR phoneme. Suffixes. /shun/ as tion. Homophones. Meta language with CEW. /ul/ phoneme. Apostrophes for contraction and posession. Homophones. Hard and soft C and G.
Punctuation and Grammar
Writing Outcomes Write speech for TED talk. Information book about Bideford. Guide to keeping calm (instructions) Diary of an adventure Persuasive letter.
Reading Comprehension Literacy Shed Comprehension Plus VIPERS Unit Special Books Activists Looking After Ourselves Materials Growing Plants The Arctic Habitats Emergency Services Materials Coasts
White Rose
Maths - White Rose Place value (4wks). Addition and subtraction (3wks) Addition and Subtraction (1wk). Assessment week.Multiplication and Division (3 wks). Money (2 wks). Multiplication and division (2wks). Fractions (4wks). ) Statistics (1wk). Assessment wk. Statistics (1wk). Properties of shape (3wk) Place value/number. Length and height. Time Position and direction (2wks). Assessment week. Mass, capacity and temperature (3wks). Consolidation (2wks).
Fluency Focus odd/even numbers.Tens and Ones. 2 and 10 times table. Bonds to 20 and 100. 5 times table. Months of the year. Simple multiplication & division Measuring in cm. Addition & subtraction word problems. Time. 1/2 and 1/4 of numbers. Additon and subtraction. Partitioning. Multiplication & division. Twinkl Number of the day fluency (covers a range of things) Time. Greater than/fewer than. 2/3/5/10 times tables.
Religion and World Views - Devon and Torbay Agreed Syllabus Who is Muslim and how do they live? Why Does Christmas matter to Christians? What do Christians believe God is like? Why is Easter important to Christians? Who is Jewish and how do they live? (2) How should we care for the world and why does it matter?
Science - Hamilton Healthy Animals Materials Matter Ready Steady Grow Habitats Squash, Bend, Twist, Stretch Gardens and Allotments
Art 3D clay Drawing and Printing Weaving and Collage
Computing - D.A.R.E.S DARES-Venn Diagram DARES- Simple Photoshopping DARES- Thinglink DARES- Knock, knock joke scratch DARES- My Robot helper DARES- Masking Tool Storytime
Design & Technology Food: Preparing fruit and vegetables. Free-standing structures Mechanisms: Wheels and Axles
History Lives of significant people- Rose Parks, Greta Thunberg, Max Woosey, Marie Curie. Local study- Bideford as a trading port. Then and Now. Jobs, hobbies and lifestyles due to the location. Compare Lives of significant people- Artists Edvard Munch and Vincent Van Gogh. Significant historical events- implementation of the fire service.
Geography Local area: human and physical geography of Bideford. Small area of a non-European country- Cambodia. Briefly- poles and equators. Local area- human and physical geography. Coasts
MFL - Language Angels Greetings Colours and Numbers Transport Under the Sea In the Jungle In My Town
Music - Charanga Exploring simple patterns: How does music help us to make friends? Focus on Dynamics and Tempo: How does music teach us about the past? Music that makes you dance: How does music make us happy? Exploring feelings through music: How doe music make the world a better place? Inventing a musical story: How does music teach us about our neighbourhood? Exploring Improvisation: How does music teach us about looking after the planet?
P.E.- PE Hub Attack, defend, shoot. Hit, catch, run Dance Gymnastics Send and Return Run, Jump and Throw.
P.S.H.E. - Coram SCARF Valuing difference Food Emotions and bullying Secrets Me and My relationship RSE