Welcome to Class 6

Year 6 - Hi, my name is Mr Kent and I teach Class 6.
Year 6 | |||||||
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | ||
Theme | Self | Society | Self | Stewardship | Society | Stewardship | |
Enquiry Question | How can we be a global village? | Why do we live where we live? | How do the arts help us to make sense of the world? | Why are innovators and inventors vital for the future of our planet? | How do different systems of governments influence the lives of people living under them them? | Do we all have the same rights around the world? | |
Theological Underpinning | Romans 15:1-13 Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. | Mark 16:15 Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. | Ecclesisastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. | Chronicles 26:15 And in Jersulaem, he made machines, the invention of expect men, to be place on the towers | Romans 13:1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. | Proverbs 31:8-9 Open your mouth to speak on behalf of those in need. | |
NC subject drivers | PSHE History RE | Geography RE | Expressive Arts RE | Geography Science RE | History RE | PSHE RE Geography | |
Character Virtues | Community Respect Communication | Compassion Empathy Curiosity | Creativity Joy Respect | Critical thinking Curiosity Wisdom | Justice Assertiveness Service | Justice Community Generosity | |
Link to Global Goals | 15. life on land | 16. peace, justice and strong institutions | 3. good health and wellbeing | 7. clean and affordable energy | 16. peace, justice and strong institutions | 10. reduced inequalities | |
British Values/Protected Characteristics | Respect and tolerance | Respect and tolerance | Individual liberty | Individual liberty | Democracy | Rule of law | |
Enrichment | Lundy | Sewing Bee | First aid training | Exeter museum | Pinkery Residential | Milky Way | |
Stunning Start | Lundy | 1914 day | Exeter museum | Bideford College / Kingsley science department | Mock reaping | Magistrates | |
Inspiring Changemaker Challenge | Inspiring researcher | Inspiring speaker | Inspiring leader | Inspiring volunteer | Inspiring adventurer | Inspiring skillbuilder | |
Key Texts | The Matchbox Diary The Girl who rowed the ocean | War Horse | Framed | The Tin Forest/Where the World Turns Wild | Hunger Games | Hunger Games |
Decision Spelling | Y3/4 and Y5/6 spelling lists (2wks) Ough (2wks) Silent consonants (2wks) |
Homophones (1wk) Shun (2wks) Shus (2wks) |
Shul (2wks) Ible able (2wks) Ent ant (2wks) |
ence/ance (2wks) Prefixes (2wks) Suffixes (2wks) |
Y5/6 spelling list | Revision of rules | |
Punctuation and Grammar | Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs Inverted commas Fronted adverbials Statements Questions Commands Exclamations Synonyms Antonyms |
Passive and active voice Subject and object Relative clauses Commas in lists Commas to clarify Apostrophes for contraction Apostrophes for possession Parenthesis ( ) - , Prepositions Colons Semi colons Hyphens |
Coordinating conjunctions Subordinating conjunctions Clauses Subordinate clauses Expanded noun phrases Modal verbs Pronouns Relative pronouns Possessive pronouns Determiners |
Simple past Past progressive Present progressive Present perfect Bullet points |
SPAG revision | Preparation for KS3 | |
Writing Outcomes | Diary Autobiographical writing Poetry Storytelling Writing in role | Diary Pamphlet Character description Report Story from a different viewpoint | Newspaper article Descriptive writing Descriptive story opening Dicussion text | Setting description Poetry Character description Diary entry Non-Chronological report | Diary Autobiographical writing Narrative Letter | Poetry Invitations Instructions | |
Reading Comprehension | Microvipers | Microvipers | Microvipers | Microvipers | Microvipers | Microvipers | |
White Rose | Maths | Place value, four operations | Fractions, decimals | Percentages, shape, perimeter, area & volume | Position & direction, statistics, converting units, ratio | Algebra, problem solving | Investigations, preparation for KS3 |
Religion and World Views | U2.11 Why do some people believe in God and some people not? | U2.2 Creation and Science: conflicting or complementary? | U2.7 Why do Hindus want to be good? | U2.3 Why do Christians believe Jesus was the Messiah? | U2.6 For Christians, what kind of king is Jesus? | U2.12 How does faith help when life gets hard? | |
Science | Animals including hunmans | Living things and their habitats | Light | Electricity | RSE | Evolution and inheritance | |
Art | Colour palettes | Drawing skills | Collage | Props/ sculpture | |||
Computing | DARES green screen | DARES app prototype and Internet Legends Lesson 6 | |||||
Design & Technology | Texiles | Electrical systems | Mechanical systems | ||||
History | Local study - Lundy Trip | WW1 | Benin | Crime and punishment | |||
Geography | Local area study- Human and physical geography - Lundy | Local area - Sandymere | Benin | ||||
MFL | Phonics 1&2/I am Learning | Fruits | Presenting Myself | My Family | What is the Date? | My Home | |
Music | How does music teach us about our community? | How does music connect with the past? | How does music shape our way of life? | How does music improve our world? | How does music connect us with the environment? | How does music bring us together? | |
P.E. | Rugby | Gymnastics | Dance | Football | Cricket | Athlectics/rounders | |
P.S.H.E. | Valuing difference | Me and my relationships | Being my best | Keeping safe | Growing and changing | Rights and respect |